Thursday, February 7, 2008

#24 Sound:The Sound of Music

After much laughing from my husband and older boys I decided to venture out on my own with this project. My family has been using Itunes and other sites for so long that it is like going to Walmart to shop. I like Itunes because for 99 cents you can have a song downloaded to your phone or Ipod or computer. Depending on how often you will use the service will depend on who you will use. One service for a small fee of around $20 will let you have as many downloads as you want. But remember if you ever stop the service the songs are no longer yours. As i have said in the past, technology has come a long way from the days of the old 45 record. I love the idea of being able to find a song that i need right away. At Christmas time I was in desperate need of a song for a class I was teaching at church. Low and behold on Itunes it was!!!! i am so looking forward to seeing where our journey takes us with this program in 2008

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